Thank you all for completing our survey to allow us to prepare for the holidays.
I know some of you have already indicated the days you require, however, you will need to fill in the registration form at the link below.
This form is specifically for these holidays as there is a cut off point for the number of children we are able to accommodate.
Under the current guidelines we can only have minimal children and staff on the premises. Please get this form completed and back to us as soon as possible.
We will not have any incursions or excursions these holidays. The completed holiday program will be emailed next week with our newsletter and posted on our website.
Next week we will also be utilising electronic sign in for the children. A staff member will be on standby to offer any assistance. Although given the number of times we are signing in and out wherever we go now, we don’t envisage having any problems.
Thanks everyone for your patience and support at this time. Keep up with our shenanigans on our facebook page.