Welcome back!!!!!!!!! It was so lovely to welcome the children to OOSH this morning and again this afternoon.
We are very excited about the rest of the year and can’t wait to hear some of the children’s suggestions for January Vacation Care.
If you have already advised us of the days you require for the rest of the year, please do not reply to this email.
If you have not yet replied to our previous emails regarding before and after school care and your requirements for this term, you need to do so immediately. If we have not had a response by Wednesday, your spots will be cancelled and allocated to someone on the waiting list for this term.
On Friday we will have our annual OOSH Halloween Party for the children.
If you are not registered to attend on Fridays and would like your child to attend, please email so we can add them to the roll.
We will serve up a spooky afternoon tea, play some scary games and play some tricky tricks. If your child is attending and would like to bring dress up clothes they are welcome to.
Thanks again everyone for your ongoing support over the past few months. We could not have asked for a better bunch of kids to play with during lockdown.