March News

March 3, 2023

This week at OOSH we have been continuing our Australia theme. Selena’s tree has grown bigger and bigger over the last week. The kids are coming up with a new idea each day to add to our wall. We have made Koalas, Echidnas and origami snakes to add to our OOSH display.

As we move into cooler weather our tree will change with the season, the kids wanting to add more Autumn tones.

Our Vacation care program is well under way, the kids have had a huge input in what will be happening over the Autumn break. The program and the link to book any days you require will be on our website in week eight.

Please don’t forget to email us if your child will not be attending the centre. This is especially important for an after school session. When your child does not show up the staff go to great lengths to find them. We search the school grounds and the surrounding area including the outside perimeter of the school. This happens before you have your text message. If we are unable to contact you or any of those nominated as your emergency contact by the end of the session, our policy states that the police will be contacted and a missing child report will be made. Our policy is available for viewing on our website. A quick email to our service if your child is home sick, has a playdate or other after school activity will eliminate this issue.

Thank you for your support,