We are creeping towards the end of the year, yes it really is week six, with only four to go until the end of the term.
Here are a few dates for your diary:-
Friday November 17th:-
Our Pre-Christmas, three day Vacation Care program will be available along with the link to book the days you require.
Friday November 24th:-
The January program will be available with the booking link.
Please make sure you book the days you need early, as we are restricted to the number of places available.
Please remember that there are no refunds for non attendance during the holidays nor can we swap days.
Friday December 1st:-
We will celebrate another successful year at OOSH with our annual Family get together. Starting at 6.30 after all the children have been signed out.
We hope you will join us for a drink and some snacks with the staff and other families who attend our service.
We would also like to extend the invitation to any new families joining us in Vacation Care or in 2024. If you’re new to our school or Avalon this is an opportunity to meet some families already attending OOSH and to meet our staff.
Please let us know if you would like to attend for catering purposes.