This week at OOSH has been a lot of fun for all of us.
Thankfully we had Eloura to fall back on when we couldn’t play outside. The OOSH team cannot tell you how grateful we were this week to be able to take advantage of this space. We were able to play some outside games inside which gave some of our more exuberant kids some space to burn off a bit of energy.
The children are expressing their interest in cultural backgrounds and as many of you have already advised, we have many within our centre to explore. Please keep sharing your family histories with us and any craft activities suitable for the children to try. If you have any family recipes you would like to share please let us know. We are always looking for interesting and new ideas for afternoon tea, especially anything we can make in bulk to feed 80 kids.
Could everyone please check your children’s shoes. We had one boy leave a pair behind last Tuesday after the torrential rain. They are nowhere to be found at the centre, so we can only assume they have been picked up by mistake. If you find them could you please return them to OOSH.
Thank you to all the children and parents who have contributed ideas to our holiday program. The program and booking form will go live next Friday evening at the following address:
This booking form is for registered Families who already utilise Avalon OOSH.
If all outstanding fees from previous attendances have been settled, or you pay fortnightly for your Before/After School Care, your booking submission can be considered accepted. If you are unsure as to whether your account is up to date, please contact us.
An auto generated email with a copy of your booking confirmation will be emailed to you as proof of booking. When a particular Vacation Care Session is booked out, it will be removed from the booking form.
Please consider the days you choose carefully. We DO NOT offer swapping of days. We DO NOT offer refunds for change of mind. We will only consider a refund or day in lieu with a medical certificate and if we have availability. We are strictly limited to the number of children we can accommodate.
Thanks everyone for your support.