Good morning everyone and happy Friday.
Just a couple of reminders for this week:-
Please let us know if you and your family will be attending our Christmas party next Thursday the 24th. We will begin at 6.30 after OOSH closes. We are all looking forward to welcoming everyone back for our first Christmas party since COVID reared its ugly head. We will be providing a grazing table and you are more than welcome to bring a plate to share and your own drinks.
Don’t forget that Friday the 16th is the last day of school and we will be open on Monday the 19th and Tuesday the 20th for the Pupil Free Days. Please make sure you have booked in for those days if you need them. Booking forms for the pupil free days are on our website now.
OOSH will close on Tuesday the 20th at 6.30 and reopen on Monday the 9th of January.
The Vacation Care program and confirmation form for any days you require will be on our website on Monday 5th December.
If you have any kindy children starting school next year, remember that they are welcome to join us in January for vacation care.
If anyone has any questions at all regarding Before and After School care, upcoming holiday care or 2023 enrolments please email and we will be happy to assist you.
Have a great weekend everyone