Newsletter 10th November

November 10, 2022

Hi everyone,

Well, we have survived Halloween. We hope the children who attended our Halloween party had a great time. We certainly enjoyed organising it for them. Sadly, although we had a number of families who cancelled as they were trick or treating with friends, we also had a large number who did not cancel. The staff all came in early to decorate the centre and cook party food for the kids, so were really disappointed when we had so few. Please remember to let us know if your child or children will not be attenOOSH NEWSLETTER
ding OOSH. When your child does not show up after school, we make a search of the school grounds and the surrounding area. This takes one or two staff members away from the children who are already here. We understand that there are days where time gets away and notifying us is
forgotten, but a quick message is appreciated as we prepare food and staff according to the number of children expected.

We are getting towards that ridiculously busy time of the year and it’s time to talk about our Christmas Party. We have really missed our annual family get together over the past couple of years and hope to see as many families as possible join us on November 24th when we will celebrate another great year at OOSH. Our Christmas party is a great opportunity to chill out with some of our staff and other families rather than our usual “ships passing”. We will begin at 6.30 after closing.

Please let us know if you and your family will be attending so we are able to cater.
We will be making a large grazing table for the adults and party food for the kids.
You are more than welcome to bring a plate to contribute and your own drinks.

Our Vacation Care program will be on our website in week eight. Please encourage your children to have a voice in programming. We have some great surprises planned for January, but we really want the holidays to be all about what they would like to do.
OOSH will be open for before and after school care until Friday the 16th of December. We will open on Monday the 19th and Tuesday the 20th for a full day of care. Both days will be billed as Vacation Care and craft will be geared towards Christmas.

Thank you all fo your continued support. Don’t forget to put your family’s name down for the Christmas party.