That’s a wrap. The school holidays are now officially over. Today and tomorrow are both pupil free days and it’s then back to school.
We hope that your children have enjoyed their holidays as much as we have enjoyed having them. We filled our days with lots of fun and laughter, singing and dancing, loads of art and craft activities despite the heat. Despite some very hot days we managed to stay cool with lots of water activities, fun under the covered areas and indoor crafts and games in the air conditioning.
On a whole your kids were extremely well behaved, a pleasure for our staff and our special visitors, who commented on their behaviour and what a pleasure it was to come to our centre and enjoy time with the children.
Our program for the Autumn holidays is already well underway and will be available in week seven of the school term. Please encourage your children to contribute to the program. They can write their ideas on the large whiteboard doors inside OOSH. We have already had some fantastic ideas and requests.
And now we get down to the nitty gritty of back to school. Just a few reminders for everyone so that the school year runs smoothly and without any misunderstandings. Please remember that we don’t always make the rules, however we do need to abide by them.
After School Care Services are now fully booked from Mon – Thurs. There are no casual spots available currently. We can still take bookings for Friday afternoons.
We do have spots available for Before School Care. We understand that families who did not get the days requested are disappointed, we are legally committed to the number of children we can accommodate, if we go over that number we risk legal ramifications.
After the first few weeks of school when the children are settled in, we will be assessing any potential vacancies and offer them to those on our waitlist
Due to our Service being at capacity, permanent spots need to be paid for regardless of absence notification. When you claim Child Care Subsidy on your fees, the system allows you to still be subsidised on these absences up to a certain number of days per financial year. If absence is going to be for an extended period it may be necessary to forfeit your spot to a family on the waitlist.
You must notify the service if your child will not be attending in the afternoon. We have a strict protocol to be followed if your child fails to show up. We search the school grounds, surrounding school area ie bus lines etc then send an SMS message to both parents. You will be phoned if we do not receive a reply to our message. If we are unable to make contact with a parent or guardian we are under government law to call in the police.
You must contact us immediately if you envisage picking up after 6.30 when the centre closes. A late fee of $2.00 per child per minute will be applied to your account after 6.30. Again there are protocols in place to protect your children. Children are to be picked up by someone on your authorised list. If they are to be picked up by someone other than on the list, staff are to be informed, we will require identification and we will sign the child out for them.
Older siblings are not permitted to sign out younger children without confirmation from a parent and staff are satisfied that the children are going to arrive home safely.
Thanks everyone for your support, please don’t hesitate to contact if you have any questions, no matter how trivial they seem, remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question.