Hi everyone and welcome to term four.
Vacation care was a “Blast”, the children all had a great time and we have had some incredible feedback not only from some pretty happy parents, thank you, also from the kids and the people who provided our incursions. It is always lovely to have such amazing feedback from our providers.
The very last term of the year, always full of fun and excitement.
We are currently working on our program for the January holidays. As always, the children are all very keen to have their say on which activities they would like us to include. Please encourage your kids to write on our “whiteboard” some of their favourite activities so we can include them in the program. Sometimes some of the smallest ideas have the biggest impact and create the greatest fun.
Don’t forget to share any cultural recipes you have that we can make for the kids. We all thoroughly enjoyed our Filipino chicken recipe shared by Daniel and Gabys mum Annette during the holidays. The children get so excited when they are able to share a dish from home and we are always looking for something new to make for afternoon tea.
We still have a HUGE amount of lost property left from the holidays. Those that have names on them have been given to the children, some have been taken to give to kids who don’t regularly attend. We have a table on the front path both morning and afternoon this week and next. If there is anything left next Friday, it will all be taken to the Red Cross. We don’t have room to keep items indefinitely.
Here are some important dates for your diary:-
October 24th:- OOSH Parent meeting
Please join us at 6.30 at OOSH on Monday the 24th for our regular meeting. Everyone is welcome and we encourage all our parents to join us. Avalon OOSH is a parent run centre and we always value your contribution of ideas etc.
October 31st:- Halloween Party.
On Monday the 31st we will have our annual Halloween party. If you would like your child to attend you will need to book for an After School Care session. Children are welcome to bring dress up clothes to change into.
November 1st:- Melbourne Cup Day.
We have already taken extra bookings for Melbourne cup day. We are very limited to the number of spots we still have available.
November 24th:- OOSH Christmas Party.
HOORAY!!!!!!! At last, on Thursday the 24th we will have our OOSH Christmas party. We are so happy that after almost three years of not being able to hold a Christmas party for the kids and our amazing parents, we are finally able to celebrate the end of the year with everyone.
We hope that you will join us in celebrating the end of another great year with your children before things get too crazy with work parties, family commitments, class parties etc.
Please let us know if you will be able to attend so we can have an idea of numbers for catering.
As always, thank you all for your amazing support, all the staff really appreciate it.