OOSH September Newsletter

September 21, 2022

Only a week to go and we will be enjoying the school holidays again.

The children are pretty excited about the program we have for them.  They have all made their contributions with their ideas and requests for their favourite activities.

If you come into the centre you will notice the cupboard doors with the words “Your time, your place, your ideas”  This is a spot dedicated for the children to write their ideas for craft activities and vacation care ideas.  It certainly makes for some interesting reading.

Please make sure you get those confirmation forms for the holidays in quickly so you don’t miss out.


You are more than welcome to come into OOSH and have a look at our art and craft at any time.  I’m sure your children will love to show you around.

This year we will be having our first OOSH Christmas party in quite some time.  We hope that all our families will be able to join us on November 25th.  We know everything starts to go a little crazy in December so we are hoping to be first cab off the rank with the Christmas celebrations.

We are also reviewing our Asthma and Anaphylaxis documentation and use by dates.
If your child has a puffer or epipen kept at OOSH would you please contact us so we are able to review and update if necessary.

Thank you for your continued support.