June 16, 2022

This week has been a busy one at OOSH.  We are all very excited about the upcoming school holidays and with so many activities to choose from we suggest you choose your favourite activities so you don’t miss out. The  program is up on our website along with the confirmation form for any days you require.  Please remember that once you have made your booking there are no swaps or cancellations for days chosen.   Please use the following link to secure your bookings:

This week at OOSH it’s all been about knitting.  The kids have moved on from French knitting to knitting with needles.  If your kids are interested in having a go, could you please send them in with some thick (12 ply) knitting wool and a pair of kids needles.  Both available from Spotlight or our local Variety shops.  If you have any wool or needles you would like to donate, we would be extremely grateful.  We have bought numerous pairs of needles and given them to the children on the proviso that they will be brought back.  However, children being children they have forgotten, so if you happen to find any under the bed, please drop them off.  We would greatly appreciate it.

Last week it was World Ocean Day.  To recognise the importance of caring for our ocean and surrounding environment the children decided to make a mural using “junk” and recycled materials. They have all enjoyed the activity so much that we will be continuing the theme until the end of the term.  You are more than welcome to come in to see what they have created.  We will have photos on our Facebook page and website when it’s completed.

Our next Parent meeting will be on Monday the 20th at 6.30.  Everyone is invited to attend and will be welcomed with open arms.  We are so happy to be able to have our parents visit our centre again after such a long time.   This is a great opportunity for you to come into the centre, see what we do and to provide any input regarding our program. We hope you will join us.  Please let us know if you will attend as we would like to share a snack and a glass of wine with you.

You may see a notification come through via Hubworks outlining a change to your booking agreement. This is in relation to our Vacation Care fee increase to $75 per day, as well as our After School Care fee increase to $25 per session. Your permanent days for term 2 will transition into term 3.  Let us know if you don’t require any of your existing spots as we have families on our wait list that would be grateful for any after school care we can offer.  If you are on our waiting list and have not yet secured a place, please contact us.

Thanks Everyone for your support, we hope to see you next Monday night.