Vacation Care News

September 19, 2023

Can you believe it’s the last week of third term.  The holidays are upon us.

Please get your bookings in by the end of this week as we are limited to the number of children we can accept into the program daily and don’t forget to complete permission form for the excursion if your child is attending.  We cannot take children away from the centre without written permission from parents or guardians.  Please follow the link to secure your booking:-

When you submit your booking form, you will only be able to book days with availability.  If you can’t tick the box it’s because we are fully booked on that day.  You will receive a confirmation message when your booking form has been submitted, along with an email copy for your records.  Many of our families seem to miss the confirmation, so please check your spam.

Don’t forget to send your kids with plenty of food.  Long days with lots of activities make for some very hungry children and unless we are doing a cooking activity, we do not have food for them.

Please put them in clothes that don’t matter.  They will get dirty.
Don’t forget –  Hats and sunscreen.
If the weather is hot we will include water activities so it might be a good idea to throw an extra set of clothes in their bags.

If your child has any allergies or requires medication please download a medication form and bring it with you when you come in.  We will not give children medication that is not in its original container with the childs name on it and the prescribing doctor.

The children love making cubby houses, so if you are going through the linen cupboard and have any sheets or quilt covers you no longer need, please think of donating them to OOSH.

If your children have any suggestions for anything they would like at OOSH, please encourage them to write it on our whiteboard.

Thanks for your support